The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'The Long War'

The pilgrim’s route toward peace

Oh yes I have been on one of those ventures
to enliven, enrich and adjust where possible
those thoughts about life and learning topics.
But what this trip ventured to supply
was a way of looking quite seriously
at what we are to leave our beloved folk once dead.

Yes, death again about to become famous,
but then fame is not something that lasts
any more than life living on this planet earth.

What I actually did take in
was that if we are to suffer less and enjoy more
war must begin to cease
and that means …
each and every individual in the West
must take up and wake up to the reality
that enough is enough,
well enough for those poor sods we deplete,
exercise our right to dictate and extract
and incomplete,
but destroy entirely their way and hope
for future families and life style treats.


The way back home –
recover from that pilgrim’s venture
to know a little more
about one self and the human race
and live within the bounds
of a more wisely increased thread and thought
toward peaceful lives for all and everyone
that at this point suffers because of us,
we Westernised Dogs of War and More.


June 18th, 2018

The Gods of War

The Gods of War gather anxiously
for fear peace is what the populace
including me does want now.

Now the world is desperate, clinging on
as if in a life boat event.
Something has to be made clear immediately
that we all fear and despise people wanting nuclear.

How can it be so
that only a few minor folk
have no idea what is in these calculating souls
wanting in us to undertake.

How can it be so
that for the most part
we are ignorant and want to remain
asking of ourselves naught
for fear something will in us
have to stand upright and begin to say
what it is that we prefer

but then of course in the Westernised mentality
there is always shopping, celebration and democracy.

August 19th, 2017

Perpetual wars

Songs of love.
Songs of joy.
Where are they now
for us to employ?

We are the future.
We are the now.
We are the beginning
if only help, healing,
curing and care
were part of our thinking
instead perpetual wars.

Darkness creeps upon our brow
while we continue to only think of us
and in the immediate,
instead – divine intent.

April 18th, 2017

How high must we go …

How high do you have to go
to observe the reality
of twenty-first century below?

Robust. No.
Fearful. Yes.

What next …?
Fix or blast.
How can you be
so bombastically arrogant?
The next move, supposedly
is from a nuclear explosion.
No telling when or why
just a small dick size penis
trying mightily …
to scare we all to blazes.


Afraid? You all should be by now.
Enough Warning.
What next – cower away.

April 16th, 2017

Who are you in the West

Brazenly I spoke to God
about the weather inclement
suffering the West’s burst
upon my shore
where life pleasant.

And even now
banging, bashing,
tampering and murder –
torturous to my eyes
and hearing worse …
shouting, banging, complaining,
blasphemous and raping.

What ever next …
I am but four and no more
and this, well this,
has hurt more than I,
at this stage of my life
know no reason or can express.


The battlements are down
my heart swollen, lost and torn.

Who are you in the West …
no heart and soul,
no decency,
no respect
for your own – humanity?

February 18th, 2017