The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Happiness / Peace'

Value is in how you live

To live out your days
and not know
what it means to love
is a serious blight on humanity.


To have the essence of good taste
is not about the culinary virtues
of a good cook or chef,
but more about the value
of your life and in how you live.


To love and then steal
that virtuous gift
is to deny
that which is beyond love
and begins to be bliss.

October 31st, 2017

Crash course in humility

Crash course in humility
don’t laugh, cry
because it requires honesty
and I will tell you why.

Love, is not an easy answer
to your commonly held view,
it requires honesty
and truth to be pursued.

Love is about
the value of your own life
and of the value to be upheld
for your whole life.

Respect and responsibility
common enough
but with an inner perspective
that only a space within your head
called love
is a gift given by that source
we appear to know as a God.

When in all probability
that source, as God,
is in all actuality
the divine expression as thought,
within your own head of good.

September 25th, 2016

Bless not blame

How can I help you
the gods cried out.
Sorry, I don’t know you,
that voice aloud in my head.

So much information.
So much to relay.
So much I do not know.
How to thank you,
but how do I change
I’ve been this way so long
nothing appears easy?

How do I change
to that of a goodly person
instead of the critical
and less positive person that I now am?

Love is the answer
the gift of the gods
be far less critical of yourself
and be thankful.
That is the message coming from well within.

A soul who loves you decries
now is the time to do just that –
bless not blame
give not take.
These are some of the starting points
for you and I to open up
heaven’s so incredible gate.

Be thankful – no more than that!

August 29th, 2014

God help the next generation

Peace is what is called for
in a twenty-first century war zone.

No help, hope or advice,
listen a bi-word of no import.
Sadly, gravely life on this planet
is headed for a human planet divorce.

God help the next generation.
Who or what is a God?

No one else appears of good intent
or is that by ignorance
or what we on Earth lack –
good intention, peaceful practice.

August 8th, 2014

Lost are we

Saviours are everywhere,
but no-where to be found.
Sanctity is what they crave
and hidden material is what they stave off
from individuals craving for their gold.

Problem with a society – no thanks
for what an evangelist has to relay.
A simple tone of information
no hidden clues –
only love of man and no harm
to those of us trying to improve.

Lost are we…
to that word of breath upon our heart.
Love is a dirty word – far, far too difficult
far easier to hate and hurt.

God bless that soul who wandered free
wanting our saviour-self to be released
and value all of humanity.

July 28th, 2014