The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Soul'

Borrowed Time

Borrowed time
on earth once born.
Borrowed time
day light dawn.

Sleep easy once down
for the ‘morrow no idea.
Waking uncertain
not though to fear.

Loss as death
life as uncertainty
has no meaning
unless love and worth
are part within
and expressed in thee.

November 7th, 2018

Personal Idealism

Sees…. “the Universe as the progressive and developing self expression of God – The supreme Mind or Self – and God as being changed by the inclusion of created things in the divine being, either now or in the future.

God and the material Universe thus form a unity, though one in which the mental or spiritual aspect has ontological and causal priority. Such an idealism is personal in so far as it holds that the supreme Self has the personal characteristics of knowing, feeling, and willing, even though this being may be much greater than anything we would ordinarily call a “person”.”

Rev. Dr. Prof. Keith Ward. (The Christian Idea of God)

A thought;

Maybe the Mandelbrot set may be a useful analogy – An unfolding jigsaw, where in our particular point in the human experience of time and space, we each form a piece of it.
As with all jigsaw puzzles that one is trying to put together, frustration persists until the correct place in the layout is found, and then pleasure when it is slotted into place.

One could see pleasure for both the searcher who is trying to put the picture piece together, and also for the jigsaw maker in that pleasure has been given.

March 13th, 2018

Divinely inspired

Sanctify me to the very core
where I was born to earth to explore
divine retribution of my past ancestry
and learn then, from them,
my pure angelic being …

That which is my better half
connected to a divine birth
when ready, able and responsible
to do my task of loving self
and others too.

No more hate and crime.
No more hate, hurt and love-less life
to which I am more
not less than before
but contain elements of peace
to do and be
a very informed human being.

Class above and not entailed
to that of a hate-filled, hurtful life.

August 27th, 2017

Half light

Sunshine, sunshine
call me back home again.
The rains here a deluge.
The sun clouded by doubt.
Uncertainty and wars
plague everyone and home.
And for this
the rains are never-ending
and my life source waning
with only a half light …
and hence the rains never-ending
with no saviour self able
to stand up and shout.

God help humanity,
the soul self depleted
as love fades as does the light.

April 17th, 2017

Reckless individualism

Reckless individualism
is wrecking the Western world.
But more importantly wrecking our souls,
the gentleness required to value humankind.

Reckless individualism
is not a state or mind.
But more a state of advertising –
to become one of a virtual mindless crew.
To become subservient
to that of a one percent,
mentally depraved group.
To work their viscous mentality
to corrupt that of your once
permanent valuable self and virtue.

God bless America
it has earned its rightful place
among the viscous of humanity
well before it destroys
the likes of me and too you.


April 14th, 2017